ChelsDesigns is a brand founded in 2019 by Chelsea Adinuba who decided by God's strength and grace, to take her sewing skills to the next level. This brand promotes natural hair and hand-made products ranging from durags, reversible bonnets, face masks, bags, scrunchies, cropped clothing, and more.

I started sewing at the age of 14; I had what you could say a "passion for a fashion." I decided to put the gift that God has given me to use and hand sew everything with love. All I had was my gift and faith, and that's what I stepped out with. Matthew 5:14- "You are the light of the World. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." (NKJV). I did not want to hide my gift so I took the little I had and let God make his promise known. Often times we can forget the words that God has once spoken over our lives. As people wear my products they will not only be able remember these words, but also encourage others & bring more people to Christ. I also take old clothes and transform them. I do this because that is what the Holy Spirit does to us. God doesn't just go out and create a new human being, he takes us in our worst state, cleanses us, and saves our soul. 2 Corinthians 5:17- "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (NKJV)